La increíble belleza del mar…

Cómo echo de menos a mi gran azul. Mientras vuelvo a encontrarme con él, me alimento de paisajes imposibles, de momentos perfectos y de fotografías cómo las que regalan al mundo algunos de mis instagramers favoritos…

The moments that define us, that epitomizes what I love and live for. @oceanramsey and “Bella” (the great white shark) grabbing the whole worlds attention over night & changing perceptions when great white sharks needed it the most. At the time studies were reporting great white shark populations to be less than 350 in the north west pacific. Ocean and I decided to take immediate action by getting images of “anti-jaws-movie” human-shark coexistence that no one thought would be possible. Images that would shatter the perception that sharks are mindless monsters. We’ve worked for decades with sharks and constantly capturing images that get people to look past the fear that movies and media traditionally created and get people inspired to care about the possible extinction of sharks. A huge thanks to @gopro for spreading the video and these images to the world and supporting shark conservation. #goproforacause #gopro #gopro3000 #oceanramsey #helpsavesharks #savesharks #sharkandfreediver #freedivingwithsharks #swimmingwithsharks #shark #sharks #ApexPredatorNotMonster #sharkconservation #photooftheday #greatwhiteshark #coexist #freediving #ocean #amazing #marinebiologist photo by #JuanOliphant using @aquatech_imagingsolutions @cressi1946 @xcelwetsuits @waterinspired @oneoceanresearch @oneoceandiving @oneoceandesigns @oneoceansharks @oneoceanhawaii @oneoceanconservation @oneoceanglobal @oneoceaneducation

Una publicación compartida de Juan Oliphant #JuanSharks (@juansharks) el

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